I have seen La La Land. And OH do I have an opinion.

Hello little world,

 Yesterday at 16:45, I went to the cinema with my best friend (who had already seen La La Land before). And 2 hours later, I've gone through every single emotion I am capable to feel, covered in sweat and tears and I was asking myself if I had just gone through a life crisis or if I had watched a simple movie.

So, I have seen La La Land now.

Yes, like every other person on this planet.

First, I'd like to constate that I didn't have high expectations - if I'm honest, I had negative expectations. Generally, I hate overhyped things. I hated Frozen, I hate each new iPhone, and I was ready to claim that I hate La La Land, because it's just an average movie who's gonna get loads of oscars and I'm an individual who will not let the movie industry tell me what I should like!!
... Well, that one went wrong.
But let me explain.

~ This is obviously going to how have (little) spoilers in it, so stop reading if you haven't watched it yet ~

A little fact about me, I adore musicals of all kinds. You could call me a 'theatre kid', so I was quite predestined to like La La Land. Still, the expectations from my environment were so high that I thought: No matter how brilliant that movie is, it can never live up to that.

The first scene already got me rushed right into the movie. It reminded me of 'Fame' which I loved a lot back when I was about 14 and they made a remake that was probably a bit shitty, but enough for my teenage musical-loving heart.
Of course, everything in the movie is overdramatic and exaggerated. But that's what musicals are like. That's what I usually like. But if I'm honest, I hated the first 30 minutes completely. It was soo cliché - two dreamers in Hollywood, both ridiculously good-looking, trying so hard to accomplish their dreams and obviously they're going to be famous in the end because it's a feel-good movie a.k.a. everything is nice and everyone will be happy.

What instantly impressed me (even in the first 30 minutes) was the fact that they sang "live" in front of the camera and didn't record it first and then just moved their lips. I think that's just such a big difference in authenticity and exactly what brings the old-Hollywood, theatre flair into a cinema.
Also, me as a woman who loves dresses to death, owning 2 pairs of jeans but 15 dresses, I was captivated by the wonderful clothes they wore! Can I have a parcel with all the dresses Emma Stone has worn in the film sent to my house right now, please?!

What really made it a good movie for me was the fact that I was crying at the end. That sounds like it would not make sense, but it actually does. I have a handful of movies where I cried in the end, being not many since I am quite an emotional person. But some movies just don't get me, even if they are well-made and romantic. This one did, and it's all because of that phenomenal ending. If I had to describe La La Land in a graphic curve, I would say it's one increasing line. Who watches the first 10 minutes and leaves (like my flatmate, oh my god, how could he!!) doesn't have a proper opinion about La La Land.

So all in all, definitely a special movie which might be preferred by theatre- and musical-liking people. GO WATCH IT, if you don't have a heart of stone, you will at least like the phenomenal soundtrack. It's a film you rewatch every year in Christmas Eve and cry at the end even though you know every single word. A classic.


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