
Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2017 angezeigt.

I have seen La La Land. And OH do I have an opinion.

Hello little world,  Yesterday at 16:45, I went to the cinema with my best friend (who had already seen La La Land before). And 2 hours later, I've gone through every single emotion I am capable to feel, covered in sweat and tears and I was asking myself if I had just gone through a life crisis or if I had watched a simple movie. So, I have seen La La Land now. Yes, like every other person on this planet. First, I'd like to constate that I didn't have high expectations - if I'm honest, I had negative expectations. Generally, I hate overhyped things. I hated Frozen, I hate each new iPhone, and I was ready to claim that I hate La La Land, because it's just an average movie who's gonna get loads of oscars and I'm an individual who will not let the movie industry tell me what I should like!! ... Well, that one went wrong. But let me explain. ~ This is obviously going to how have (little) spoilers in it, so stop reading if you haven't wat

People Are Forgiving, People Are Kind

Hello little world, I've had a busy week and the weekend isn't going to be any better. But it's exam period and I'm student so that's my life right now! So I'm gonna stick with it. But I have finished my To Do list for today already so LIFE IS GREAT (for now). What I've learned recently: People are kind. Well, there are just absolute assholes out there, that's true, but there are kind people and I haven't done a statistics about it, but I'd clearly say that there are more nice and kind than assholey people in this world. Being kind can be the smallest little thing one can do. It can mean printing out an essay for a girl who's too stupid to use her USB stick at the uni library (like me) or it can mean pulling a 2 euros coin out of a broken vending machine for a girl who has too short fingernails to do it herself (like me). Things like these make me happy and I'm sure they make other people happy, too. ♥