
Es werden Posts vom 2018 angezeigt.

Why Sweden is magical

Hello little world, As you can see by the title, this blog post is supposed to revolve around my love for Sweden. Actually, this needs a little background story, so take a cup of tea and sit back, because this is gonna be a bit longer! It all started with a relaxed evening when I was 14. My best friend's family and mine were having a game night, as we had been doing it for years. We first ate dinner together and then started playing games, cards or charade, what the average families do, ya know. In the middle of the evening, we realized that this was the night where the finale of the Eurovision Song Contest took place. My friend's family liked the German participant that year, and so we thought we could tune in and leave it as a kind of background sound while playing. What happened was that Germany, after many years of being the loser, won the competition, and so we ended up screaming and shouting and cheering in front of the TV. I will never forget how we danced